I always knew that I would breastfeed and when the time actually came I educated myself by taking a breastfeeding class, talking to mothers who had breastfed and reading an assortment of literature. I knew through close friends and family that breastfeeding could be easy and it could be not-so-easy. As it turned out, my experience was in the not-so-easy category.
When I left the hospital everything changed. My little man wouldn't latch on anymore and I began to feel like a failure. I reached out to friends and family and tried every piece of advice that was offered to no avail. At that point, I knew I needed a lactation consultant. Stephanie was actually my third phone call, but the first lactation consultant who could schedule a home visit right away.
Ever since Stephanie stepped foot in my home, a large weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Not only did I find a knowledgeable professional willing to drive over 20 miles to help a new mother, but I also found a truly wonderful and compasionate woman who, simply put, cares. After two hours with Stephanie my little man was latching on and I felt whole again. Stephanie left us with a plan to follow, answers to a long list of questions and a promise that everything would be okay. What more could you ask for?
- Madeline